Integration of data-driven and model-based engineering in future industrial technology
The Dutch Digital Twin and Twinning programme
Bayu Jayawardhana
University of Groningen
Abstract: The development of reliable and agile digital twins of physical high-tech systems and materials is key to enabling shorter time-to-market, zero-defect & flexible manufacturing systems with accurate predictive maintenance. This requires the synergy between model-based engineering and data-driven/artificial intelligence approaches. In this talk, we will provide an overview of the Dutch TTW Perspectief programme on DIGITAL TWIN that investigates the integration of data-driven approaches and advances in model-based control and decision based systems in high-tech systems. A number of use-cases will be presented.
Speaker bio: Bayu Jayawardhana is currently a professor of mechatronics and control of nonlinear systems in the Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands. He is the program leader of the Dutch TTW Perspective program on DIGITAL TWIN (, 5.6 MEuro national program with six universities and twelve multinational companies. He is the director of Mechanical Engineering masters programme and board chairman of Engineering and Technology Institute of Groningen. He is a co-recipient of the Ben Feringa impact award in 2020 and co-finalist of Huijbregtsenprijs in 2021. He co-founded two start-up companies of Ocean Grazer BV and Sencilia BV.